How was your literate life this week? As always, I’m here in your Inbox to celebrate our literate lives with a sneak peek into my own. Here’s what I’ve been reading, writing, learning and exploring this week:
What I’m Reading:
This week, I’ve spent time reading non-fiction, a bit of self-help, actually. I read Fault Lines: Fractured Families and How to Mend Them by Karl Pillemer and highly recommend it to anyone wanting to know more about how to better communicate with others and preserve familial relationships. While focused on the incredibly complex topic of family estrangement, readers can gain incredible insight into how families work (or do not work) and develop proactive communication strategies through the tool kits strategically woven throughout the book. Admittedly, it was an emotional read, but a very needed one so that I can hang onto treasured relationships and create stronger bonds around the others. If you are grappling with communication challenges or even estrangement in your family, you’ll want to take a look.
What I’m Writing:
I’ve been writing A LOT in response to what I’ve been learning in Fault Lines, so my notebooking this week is highly connected to my focus on family. A friend shared this poem with me (Thank you, Nawal!) that has literally transformed my thinking….and my kitchen table. It holds significance for any time of the year in any stage of life, but has particular importance during quarantine.
And then Cleo Wade shared this on Instagram that made me better appreciate the walls that I’ve been quarantined in overall….and I bet it will for you, too.
What I’m Learning:
This week, I indulged in a new set of lettering pens in a cyber Monday sale after a great deal of research on what to buy next. I know, I know, that much time just to buy a new set of markers? You bet. If you’re interested in going down that rabbit hole with me, then start here with a history of the ballpoint pen. Then, head to Wonderopolis and learn where markers came from, too! Be sure to watch the adorable video of a young boy creating his own….I’m totally trying this because I LOVED using Dot markers with my own children!
What I’m Exploring:
Today is a cold and rainy day and did you know my favorite thing to explore on a cold and rainy day is the Goodreads book giveaway page? Did you know about this?! Dreary days are perfect for reading and each time it rains, it acts as my signal to pick up a book and head to Goodreads to enter a new book-giveaway. I’ve already won a few hard copy and digital texts to boost my TBR stack and now you can, too!
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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