What a whirlwind of a week! This week was jam-packed with goodness, but was BUSY. When I look back at my daily ‘Get to Do’ lists, I’m shocked at all I was able to cross off. I’m trying not to wear that as a badge of honor though….because I’m really trying to build more margin in my life. I’m a work-in-progress!
Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz was certainly an emotional read. If I’m honest, reading his earlier book, Refugee, completely changed the way I thought about reading, about the world and my purpose in education. So I knew full well going into this book that it would be an emotional ride. My teenage son read it first and knew it was a book I’d want to read. He was right. I was drawn into Yanek’s story from the very first page, both warmed from the obvious love within his family and horrified by the tragic events soon coming their way. Gratz artfully tells Yanek’s terrifying story of his journey through ten concentration camps, portraying his reality and fight to survive in vivid detail for readers to attempt to understand. This is a book that will make you think, make you cry and make you question the way you see the world and your place within it. I highly recommend it.
What I’m Writing:
I wouldn’t say I’ve been writing as much as I have been tinkering. Tinkering with books and tinkering with ideas. I mentioned in a previous email that I’m offering a session titled Bibliotherapy as Self-Care for StartOver. So, I’ve been tinkering with ideas, conversation starters and book lists for book therapy. =) What are your favorite books to grow through what you go through?
What I’m Learning:
Do you have clear boundaries in your life? I listened to Marie Forleo’s podcast called How to Stop Being a Pushover and Set Better Boundaries with Terri Cole. There were SO MANY things I could relate to in this episode and I appreciated Terri’s actionable tips for setting clear boundaries in your life so we have more time for the things that bring us joy and happiness. As Rachel Hollis says, if it’s not a ‘hell-yes’, then don’t be afraid of saying no. I’ve added her book, Boundary Boss, to my TBR stack….I bet you should, too!
What I’m Loving:
I WANT ONE OF THESE READING NOOKS. My favorite is the last one…a shelf filled to the brim with books. I’m well on my way, but want to add some additional readerly touches. Do you have a book nook? What’s in yours?
Do you listen to Wondery’s Little Stories Everywhere podcast? Each week, the hosts share a new adventure for children and families to escape to another part of the world. I’m always looking for reading and writing inspiration and this week’s episode was fun to listen to and daydream.
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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