You know, this one-word-a-month thing actually works. =) Over the past months, I’ve learned how to breathe, strengthened my connections with others, deepened my gratitude practice and even brought a bit more margin into my life (but I still have work to do on that one!). And as I wonder what might come next for me, all signs point to one word: JOY.
Merriam-Webster defines joy as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires; state of happiness or felicity.
Sounds good, doesn’t it? Now that I’m realizing how important it is to have margin and space in my life, I want to make sure I fill that space with joy. Joy in the big things, joy in the little things, joy in everything.
For me, it’s much easier to fill in a pocket of time with work or something I’ve deemed productive, like cleaning up or accomplishing a task. It’s incredibly difficult for me to simply sit and do nothing or do something for the sake of simply enjoying it without an ulterior purpose. I know, I know. I’m not happy about that either, but it is what it is.
Or is it?
This month, I’m striving to fill those newly-discovered spaces in my life with joy. I’d like to sprinkle it like confetti on myself and the ones I love the most. So, I’m starting with a joy list: a list of things that bring me joy that I can call on when my default mode is to get work done instead of enjoying the present moment.
Here are ten things on my joy list right now:
- Read a book.
- Write in my notebook.
- Take a walk.
- Send a text to a friend.
- Splurge on a cup of good coffee.
- Write a thank you card.
- Have a conversation with my kids.
- Play with my dog.
- Laugh. At anything.
- Paint my toenails.
My goal is to fill each day with at least one little thing that brings me joy, so hopefully, I can share it with someone else, too.
So, what’s your one word for the month of May? And how will you hold it close all month long? Share your comments below, tag @AffinitoLit on social media and join me in the #OneLittleThing movement!
I love your one word for this month. It is a daily focus of mine too:-)
~Lisa Parrish
I have a feeling I'll want to keep this one for the rest of the year! =)
What a great thing to focus on, especially as the school year winds down! I love your idea of finding joy in both big and little things.
It's the little things that matter in the end, so I'm trying to make changes now so I have no regrets later. =)