How did it become August already? I don’t know about you, but I think 2021 has flown by rather quickly….almost too quickly. I’m very much aware that my oldest son will head into his senior year of high-school in the Fall and my twins will start as Freshman. The days feel like ticking time bombs and even though I know I should be soaking in every moment, I’m not. I keep thinking there’s time to do everything together later…..time to do nothing together later….but I know all too well that later comes and the time is lost. Ugh.
So this month, after a month of shifting my mindset to one of gratitude, I’m choosing my one word for this month out of fear. Yes, fear. Fear that the second-to-last-summer-before-things-change will be here before I know it. Fear that I’ll wake up in August and realize I’ve spent more time behind the computer screen than I did outdoors. Fear that I haven’t truly appreciated what I have before it’s too late because I know that things can change in a moment.
My one word for August is: SAVOR.
This month, I’d like to savor the last days of summer: sleep a tad later (even if only ten minutes), close the computer earlier, walk the dog longer, do nothing with my children, do everything with my children, sip a glass of wine with my husband, read more, write more and actually appreciate every second of it.
I hate to admit it, but this is hard work for me. My automatic instinct is to do, to go and to complete, not simply be. But rather than lament about my personality, I’m going to ‘be Stephanie’ as Gretchen Rubin recommends and plan accordingly. This means that I’ll need to set a few routines and tripwires in place to remind me to stop and savor the present moment.
Here’s what I have planned:
- Change the screensavers on my devices to remind me to savor the moment.
- Turn the notifications off of my phone. YIKES.
- Set a clear work schedule and honor my end time. Move my office (my laptop and work bag) out of vision once my day is complete.
- Set a timer on my phone to check in throughout the day. Am I present?
- Audit my schedule and decide one thing to let go of or delegate so I have more time to enjoy the things that matter most.
So, how will my one word translate to one little thing? If you’ve read my earlier posts, you know I don’t just choose one word each month, I choose one little thing to do each day to hold myself accountable to it, too. Usually, this means writing in my notebook or on my calendar, but this month is different.
This month, in an attempt to savor the little moments, I’m going to take at least one picture each day to document the moments that I want to hold onto and savor. When I’m done, I’ll have thirty-one images to stack together in a beautiful collection of evidence that I’ve indeed lived in the moment. I might even string them all together in a photo book or better yet, finally start scrapbooking with Ali Edwards and Heidi Swapp like I’ve always hoped.
I’m ready for August. I’m ready to be present for all the moments and I’d love to hear your best tips, tricks and hacks for how to savor everything that comes my way.
You can do it, Stephanie!