Oh, I am getting my reading and writing groove back from my bout with COVID. I read two amazing books (one fiction and one non-fiction), spent some sorely needed time making my life better on the pages of my notebook and completed a free challenge to learn more about my habits so I can lean into them, rather than fight them. I’ve got much to share today!
What I'm Reading:
While I usually balance my reading with both adult reading AND children’s literature, this week, I read two adult selections that were actually the perfect pairing for me. One book was about figuring out how to be the best version of yourself and reach your wildest dreams and the other was a fiction book that actually represented my wildest book dreams. Reading serendipity.

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo was exactly the book I needed at the exact time that I needed it. Book serendipity at its best. Emerging from a few weeks of not feeling well, I needed a jolt, a kick-in-the-pants to get back at it. This book did exactly that. I read it quickly, devouring each page full of wisdom.
I learned that indeed, everything is figureoutable and we have the power to change our beliefs, make our own choices and control our future moving forward. With just a few concrete, within-our-reach mindset shifts and actions, we can transform the way we think and the possibilities we can offer to the world. Forleo includes Insight to Action Challenges and Figureoutable Field Notes that inspire dreaming, but demand practical action. But the best part? This book isn’t just for those of us with grand or epic dreams, it’s for anyone who simply wants to be the best version of themselves. Please read this book.
I truly believe The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan was written just for me. Really. I’ve shared wild bookish dreams with family and friends: think of book match-making services, a bookery (a bookstore with a cupcakery!) and more. So this book about an out-of-work librarian who risks it all to sell perfectly matched books to customers out of an oversized van was perfect for me. My only complaint? I WANTED MORE. I turned the last page and was met with instant confusion. Wait. What?! It’s over? No! I need to know what happens next! But I guess I’ll just have to continue the story in my own life with my own bookish dreams. Hang tight. =)
If this book sounds like it’s written for you, too, you might like to read The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina Geroge. Hit reply and let me know so we can share our wildest bookish dreams with each other. =)

What I'm Writing:
My notebook was FILLED with quotes and life-changing nuggets from Marie Forleo’s book Everything is Figureoutable. Here are just a few:
- The most powerful words in the world are the ones you say to yourself.
- I win or I learn, but I never lose.
- Where attention goes, energy flows.
- Nothing exists in our world that does not first exist in our mind.
Beyond the quotes, there was one activity Marie recommends that was a game-changer for me: a stress log. Here’s how it works. Open to a new page of your notebook and list all the things that really stress you out, whether they are small things like getting the kids out the door in the morning (that’s mine!) or big things like planning a career change or move. Then, next to each stressor, write at least one thing you could do that would make it a bit more manageable and give you a sense of control. Choose one stressor, try your solution and move your way down the list. This was magic.
What I'm Learning:
You know I love Gretchen Rubin and she recently launched a free SMS challenge called Work Happier. Over seven days of daily texts, Gretchen will challenge you with a series of prompts to help you better understand the way you like to work. If you’d like to join the challenge, text WORKHAPPIER to +1 (844) 934-1913 and opt in.
Over the course of my challenge, I’ve learned that I’m a lark (morning person), a marathoner (love to work at a slow and steady pace), am encouraged by collaboration (not competition), am drawn to routine and familiarity (no, I didn’t say boring!) and am both an opener (love to start projects) and a finisher (love to complete them, too). These daily texts were perfect to learn more about my natural habits and then harness, rather than fight, them. You should join!
What I'm Loving:
I have two seemingly random Internet finds for you today, from celebrating emojis to ending 2021 strong. Here they are:
- Did you know there’s a World Emoji Day? Learn why we all need emojis in our life.
- Have you pledged to end the #Last90Days of 2021 strong yet? Join me and dive into Rachel Holli’s yearly challenge to make the last 90 days of 2021 as strong as the first. We’ll drink more water, move and groove and my favorite, let something go.
- I love using the #Last90Days challenge to end my reading life strong, too. Follow my journey on Instagram for a sneak peek into my bookish spreadsheet (yes, I actually track my reading this way) and plans to end the year #reading strong.
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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