Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I’ve officially shifted into holiday mode. I’ve made my first batch of Chex mix, started decorating the tree we donate each year and grabbed my first Starbucks holiday treat of the season. I’ve even curated my holiday TBR stack for some cozy reading. Take a peek at the first book on my stack and stay for ALL THE LINKS I have to share!
What I'm Reading:
This week was filled with appointments, which meant more time to read as I sat in waiting rooms and in my car, waiting for my turn. Here are the two books I read this week: one cozy Christmas read and one fantastic self-help title.
The Christmas Table by Donna VanLiere
Honestly, I hugged this book. I hugged this book with a grateful heart and tears streaming down my face. I needed this book. You need the book. The world needs this book. It was the perfect feel-good holiday story told from the perspective of two main characters 40 years apart: Joan in 1972 and Lauren in 2012. While they may be divided by time, they are fiercely connected through the recipes found in a refurbished kitchen table, often considered the lifeblood of the home. I was engrossed in both stories, intrigued by the connection and struck by the power of the family meal. A spiritual book, each page will remind you of the power of faith, of our ability to heal and grow and the incredible power of coming together around what matters most. I’ll be reading this book again soon and diving into all of the other books in the Christmas Hope series, too.
Let It Be Easy by Susie Moore
This was a little book with a big punch. While I read it cover to cover, you don’t have to. No matter what page you turn to, you’re sure to find wit and wisdom on the page that you can immediately apply to your own life. From simple language shifts to new ways of thinking, Susie reminds us that we truly can let it be easy, a mantra that I’ve started repeating to myself often. And honestly? It really works. Everyone will find a message just right for them inside these pages. Go get it.
What I'm Writing:
I’ve spent a lot of time this week writing in response to the wisdom in Susie Moore’s Let It Be Easy. Here’s what I tackled first: Living Your Dreams Can Start Right This Second.
- Write out the five big dreams you have for your life.
- Now, write out what your past five days looked like – and be honest!
- Is your day to day actually supporting what you really want?
Whew. It’s a good one, right?
I also had a bit of fun in my writing. I am a list-maker, so when I saw that this tool would take my list and add emojis to it, I gave it a try. I copied the results into my Google Keep list and smiled every time I saw it, something my regular To-Do list would never do. =) Take a look!
What I'm Learning:
FASFA. My oldest son is applying to colleges right now (grab the Kleenex!) and I am learning all about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid program. Now, I remember this wasn’t very fun when I was a student and guess what? It still isn’t. So, my learning is fairly boring this week, but it is essential. If you have any tips to help me navigate this time, comment below!
What I'm Loving:
I have so many links that I cannot wait to share with you. From fun facts to cool bookish gifts, I’ve got it all covered!
- Do you love smelling books? Here’s a bit of background on why you might. I knew it wasn’t just me! =)
- How about listening to holiday music? Take a listen to this holiday playlist from Amazon. It’s an instant holiday spirit booster…I’ve been listening all week!
- Did you know I collect bookmarks? I do. And that’s why I was beyond thrilled to see this website completely dedicated to them. They are so unique!
- I’m still working completely virtually and am always looking for ways to make my Zoom sessions better. The Mirror Me This mirror instantly turns my laptop into a document camera….for only $12.
- Here’s a truth bomb from Brene Brown: The opposite of play is not work. The opposite of play is depression. Read that again and then head to this episode to dive deep into her work and start playing more.
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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