This week, I snuggled up to a powerful book: The Reading List. I cannot stop thinking about it and have already started leaving trails of my reading life behind in hopes it finds someone who needs it. Read more and find out about my calendar audit, our Christmas elf (for teenagers!) and new planners I’ve never seen.
What I'm Reading:
I have one book to share this week, a book so emotional, I couldn’t start another….yet.
The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams
This book took every emotional reserve I had. It was exquisite. The book follows multiple characters as they sort through their grief, pain and loneliness independently, yet are ultimately connected together through an unexpected list of books. A list that simply says ‘Just in case you need it’ with a carefully curated selection of eight books. These books were just what each character needed on their particular journey to heal, to grow or to broaden their ideas of the world. As someone who truly believes in the power of books and bibliotherapy, I was captivated by these stories. If you love books and believe in the power of reading or if you still need to learn how to love books and the power of reading, The Reading List is for you. I’ll be returning to this book often and am already working on a reading list of my own to leave for those who might need it. This book has touched my heart in so many ways.
What I'm Writing:
This week, I’ve been writing a lot in my professional notebook, not my personal one. Since it’s the end of the year, it’s time to take stock, to reflect and to make plans for 2022 that hopefully involve a lot less stress and much more margin. I’m taking my cue from Rachel Hollis and her calendar audit. If you have an hour to dedicate to yourself, this was such a great way to decompress and feel good about what’s to come. Here are her prompts (in list form, which is even better!):
- Things That Were Awesome
- Things That Were a Waste of Time and/or Energy
- Things That Make Me Feel Like I’m Living a Good Life
You can’t help but feel good after trying this in your notebook. I promise.
What I'm Learning:
You know what I’m learning this week? You’re never too old for fun. My children are teenagers and past the age where they run down the stairs to see what shenanigans their Christmas elf has been up to. But that doesn’t mean he still causes a ruckus most nights. =) I will never outgrow these fun Christmas traditions no matter how old my children (or I!) get. Last night, the elf played Hershey kiss tic-tac-toe with the Grinch. I wonder what he’ll do this weekend?
Leave your predictions in the comments!
What I'm Loving:
If you are a fan of Hallmark Christmas movies like I am, then you’ll appreciate these cheeky Terms of Use before viewing. I’m still smiling.
Do you love hand lettering? Lisa of Hand Lettered Design shared this fun printable practice page. I’m still not ready to share my own design, but I’ve been having fun lettering this over and over again. It’s like therapy.
She Reads listed their Best Books of 2021. How many have you already read? Honestly…I have NOT READ ANY OF THESE TOP FIFTEEN BOOKS! And I think I read a lot of books! I’ll be adding a few to my TBR stack pronto.
Don’t you think the world could use a little more washi tape? I do. And these are beautiful.
I don’t even know where to begin to describe what I feel about Adam J. Kurtz and his amazing books and planners. Why haven’t I known about these? They’re bright and cheerful, whimsical and pack a powerful message, too. I’m sharing this with you now, but am likely still filling my cart. =)
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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