What a busy, holiday-filled week! I filled it with gift-wrapping, present-giving, cookie-making, light-watching and holiday-movie fun. Here are three books I read, an AMAZING gift I received early and lots of links to love from around the Internet. Have a wonderful holiday!
What I'm Reading:
Even though it’s the holiday week, I was itching to get back to some of the children’s literature on my TBR stack and read two very different, but very wonderful middle grade books. And of course, I wanted to add one more cozy holiday read to my stack, so I saved the best for last. =) Get your TBR stack ready!
Sticky Notes by Dianne Touchell
I found this book on an unexpected trip to the bookstore. It wasn’t displayed, but instead, a single copy was tucked into the shelves just waiting to be discovered. As a lover of all things sticky notes, the title caught my eye, so I picked it up. And I haven’t put it out of my sight since. This book has touched my heart. It’s about a young boy living through his father’s early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. And while written from only his perspective, we learn how the disease impacts the patient, the caregivers, the family and more. Touchell so beautifully captured a painful journey of truth: the confusion, the fear, the fatigue, the shame. All of it. But in doing so, she gave us a glimpse into the perspectives of all stakeholders involved, perspectives we might not be able to see when living through the reality of this disease. Everyone needs to read this book, but especially those who have been impacted by the disease and need to know they are not alone. It will change the way you see things. I promise.
The Jumbie God’s Revenge by Tracey Baptiste
This has been on my TBR shelf for about two years, ever since I met the author at a conference. I typically do not gravitate toward fantasy books, so this book waited far too long for me to pick it up. Because once I did, I was immediately transported into the word of the Jumbies. Baptiste introduces us to Corinne and her father, her friends and the Jumbies, magical creatures with important powers. I didn’t expect to get quite as immersed in the book as I did, but Baptiste has such a beautiful way of writing the reader into the story, connecting the dots of the series that came before and convincing the reader to believe. Now, I’ll need to back up a bit and read the series from the beginning. And guess what? Baptiste just released a new picture book related to this series, too. It’s called Looking for a Jumbie and is on my TBR now.
Christmas at the Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan
I purposefully waited to read this until right before the holiday and I’m glad I did. Colgan reintroduces us to Issy and the gang at The Cupcake Cafe. We catch up on all the characters’ lives and then join Issy on her latest adventure: contemplating what will happen if her boyfriend, Austin, moves to New York. Delightfully filled with friendship, family and sweet treats, Colgan yet again whisked me away (pun intended) to another place and time in another life I think might be beckoning me. The story moved quickly, too quickly, and ended with a satisfying close…but I’m holding out that a #3 in the series will debut soon. I’m just too caught up with Issy Randall and her Cupcake Cafe. And guess what? The Kindle edition is only $1.99 right now…the perfect way to spend the last days of Christmas!
What I'm Writing:
I was so inspired by Amy Tangerine’s ‘What Matters Most’ session on YouTube. In it, she walks us through a process for what matters most in the coming year, but with a twist: with watercolors. I love how she blends her thinking with her creativity and while I never feel like mine looks good enough, I do enjoy the process of putting colorful pens (rather than paint brushes for me) to the page. The content in the video is from 2020, but the voiceover is brand new and I think you’ll enjoy it.
What I'm Learning:
Do you remember when I gushed about The Christmas Table by Donna VanLiere earlier in the month? I loved the beautiful way the two different sets of families intertwined over a found collection of family recipes from long ago. Well, I got the best surprise ever this week. My mother gave me an early Christmas present: a tin full of my grandmother’s handwritten recipe cards and a cookbook from the 1940’s given to my grandmother by HER mother. Cue the tears. Since then, I’ve been sifting through them and have decided to cook my way through them, much like the characters in The Christmas Table and Julia & Julia by Julie Powell. I’ll have to adjust the recipes to accommodate my gluten-free diet, but I’m quite certain that won’t impact the emotions to come.
I’m curious: Has anyone else done this with their own family recipes and do you have any advice for me?
What I'm Loving:
YOU MUST WATCH THIS! It’s an amazing Christmas special broadcast called The Secrets of Christmas Revealed. It gives us the inner workings of the North Pole, the toy workshop and more. I watched the entire show with my inner child completely mesmerized.
I love a good ugly Christmas sweater and Google for Education has given us a pretty fantastic template to make our own. It’s perfect for sharing with students and classrooms!
Want to become your own life coach? Susie Moore has the free workshop you need to tackle your biggest goals in 2022. See you there!
I’m getting ready to share my review of my reading life in 2021 and think about what’s ahead for 2022. I typically set goals around the breadth and depth of my reading life, but here’s why we might not need another reading challenge in the new year.
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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