The week started off with a productive bang and ended with a reality crash. And when the going gets tough, I get reading and writing. It’s how I cope. So this week, I read three comforting books that my heart needed (including one with a Christmas theme!). I spent some time learning something new and completely unexpected, too: YouTube! And last but not least, I’ve got some pretty great links, including a $50 discount on my favorite chemical-free Goop products!
What I'm Reading:
Are you ready? I read three books this week! One was an adult fiction book full of bookish delight, one was a perfect middle grade novel and one was a non-fiction book to help me change my mindset toward food. It was a good week for reading!
The Bookwoman’s Daughter by Michele Richardson
If you’re looking for a story with a strong sense of place, then this book is for you. I was thrilled to lose myself in the Troublesome Creek again as I followed the Pack Horse Library path again, but this time with Bluet’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Honey. The story begins with a bang as Honey’s parents are once again jailed for being together and Honey is forced to make her way alone. Faced with new obstacles, including a horrifying man on her book route, she fears for her safety and the safety of those she cares about. But with the help of a new friend and those that support her, she slowly finds her way forward with the promise of books at her side.
Finding Perfect by Elly Swartz
Finding Perfect was the perfect name for this book: it’s the perfect middle grade novel and spoke right to my heart. Twelve-year-old Molly is dealing with a lot: her parents recently separated and her mother moved to Canada for a year to work. She’s hoping that winning her school’s poetry slam will bring her mother back home to celebrate at the big banquet. But as time passes, Molly is having a harder time dealing with the stresses in her life and new habits take over: counting, washing, organizing and measuring compete for her attention and start to win. As Molly starts to unravel, she finally realizes that telling someone, somehow, is the only thing left to do. I wish this book was available for my childhood self, but it helped heal the adult version, too.
Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elise Resch
I struggle to make peace with food. I have A LOT of diet restrictions because of some health challenges and that has caused a complicated relationship with food. This book was recommended to shift my stance toward how I eat and to appreciate food for what it is. It was filled with information and science, something I appreciate because when I know the why behind something, I can get on board much easier. I skimmed through some of the sections that did not apply to me, but the sections that did were spot on and gave me a new perspective to think about, along with a clear plan for changing my mindset, too. If you need to change your attitude toward food, then I’d add this book to your toolkit.
What I'm Writing:
I heard some unfortunate news this week that sent me right to my journal to process. All the things came up:
- How much time does anyone really have?
- Am I spending my days doing what really matters to me?
- Do my children and family know how much I love them in case I don’t get the chance to say it again?
Yes, very hard questions that I’m still grappling with today and will likely for a while. This experience has sparked me to renew my attention to my Morning Pages so I can work some feelings out.
Tell me, do you use morning pages? How? I’d love to hear.
What I'm Learning:
I never thought I’d say this, but I spent the early part of the week learning the ins and outs of YouTube. Yes, YouTube. I’ve had a difficult time typing lately, but am not ready to give up my blogging and writing. Rather than get more and more frustrated with my situation as I typically would, I’m trying my best to shift my perspective and find it as an opportunity to pivot and try something new.
YouTube, it is. =)
So, I’m officially ready to share my new A Lit Life YouTube channel full of literate love. I’ve got playlists planned for book recommendations and notebooking ideas, along with playlists for literacy coaching and learning, too.
Yesterday, my very first video landed on the Internet with a new weekly series I plan to offer all summer long to spark your reading life: Three Books You Need to Know About. Each Thursday, I’ll recommend three books based on a bibliotherapy book theme to spark your reading just in time for the weekend. This week, I shared my top 3 comfort books I’ve read recently. You can find it here.
I’ve also got a new playlist just for literacy coaches, too. It’s a collection of videos designed to help you up your virtual coaching game, whether you’re a completely virtual coach or just want to harness the power of digital tools and technology to transform your in-person coaching. This playlist will be available on Monday, so subscribe and stay tuned!
Could you do me a favor? Could you head to the site and subscribe or like a video? I’ve got a large learning curve ahead of me, but I’d love to know how many of you will appreciate this new way of learning together!
What I'm Loving:
I am a big fan of the Goop podcast and Goop products in general. They can be a bit pricey, but I love the all natural, non-toxic beauty products that make me feel good on the inside AND the outside. That’s why I joined their affiliate program, so I can share the goodness with you at a discount, too. Just head to Goop using THIS LINK and earn $50 off your first purchase!
Yes, please. I want to have a retirement book van, too. Or….why wait? I’m especially considering this question after recent events in my world.
I found a new obsession: creative journaling alongside of others on YouTube. =) If that sounds fun to you, too, Try Layle by Mail’s List with me Saturday live sessions!
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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