I kind of have an obsession with notebooks and notebooking. I have them stacked all over the house: one by my bed, one in my purse, a stack by my desk and more on my bookshelves just waiting to be written in.
Do I write in every notebook every day? No.
Do I write the same kinds of things in each notebook? No.
Do I force myself to write at a particular time in a particular style? Heck no.
I have one simple rule when it comes to my notebook: write only in ways that feel good.
That’s it.
That means I write in the notebook I want to write in, when I want to write in it, how I want to write in it and what I want to write in it, too. I write to soothe my soul, to track moments and memories, to plan forward and to simply bring me notebook joy.
Here are my top ten ways you can bring joy to your writing notebook, too.
1. Choose your perfect notebook:
Your writer’s notebook should be a prized possession, one that invites you to keep it close and draw, sketch, and write across the pages as if they were created just for you. Indulge your writing heart and choose the notebook that’s literally calling to you: the perfect size, shape, feel of the paper, lines or no lines and more. If you haven’t yet found the perfect notebook for you, you might like to read about the process I use when choosing a new notebook.
2. Decide your notebook's purpose:
One of the biggest ways to stop writing joy in its tracks is to feel like you have to write a certain way. Get those ‘shoulds’ out of your head and decide what you, and only you, want your notebook to accomplish. Maybe you prefer diary or journal entries? Maybe you’d like to try creative writing techniques? Maybe you use it as a catch all for your to-do lists, project ideas and daily note-taking? Anything goes here and YOU get to decide what your notebook will hold.
3. Use cool writing tools:
Your notebook is only one part of the joyful writing equation. The writing utensils you choose make up the other part. Which writing tools do you intrinsically prefer? Mechanical pencils? Gel pens? Thin-lined colorful Sharpies? Artistic brush pens? Or maybe a combination of both? Indulge yourself with the tools you know you’ll love to use and will quite simply, bring you joy just to use them.
4. Set the scene:
Notebooking is about the experience just as much as it is about the writing. Decide where you might best enjoy notebooking and then set the scene. Maybe you keep all of your notebooking supplies in a special tote to take with you to your favorite spot on the couch. Or maybe you have inspirational writing quotes posted on your desk where you like to write. Create an inviting space for notebooking so it begs you to begin.
5. Create a notebooking ritual:
I am a big fan of habit-stacking because one habit can trigger another. Before you begin to write, light a candle, play soft music, brew a cup of coffee and turn off your cell phone ringer or some other ritual that speaks to you. Do you have to do this EVERY time you write? No. But treating yourself to a writing ritual that you truly enjoy will eventually turn it into a joyful writing routine.
6. Create a joy list:
What better way to bring joy to your notebook than to write about all the things that bring you joy?! Turn to a fresh page and create a long list of the things that make you happy: the big things AND the little things. Whenever you need a boost, turn to your page full of joy and choose a topic to write about that day. I promise you won’t leave without a smile on your face!
7. Try stickers and washi tape:
If I could only choose one way to bring joy to my notebook, it would be this: add stickers and washi tape. I’m instantly transported to my childhood journals and notebooks that were full of stickers and embellishments. Over time, I focused more on the text and less on the ‘bling’, but giving yourself permission to get creative on the page can make all the difference in the world. You’ll find a list of my favorite sites for notebooks and notebook bling here.
8. Layer your pages:
Notebooking is often a two-dimensional activity because only two materials are needed: your notebook and your writing utensil. This is a good place to start but not to end. When we layer different media and mediums onto our pages, we also layer our perspectives. Not only does the page become three-dimensional, our thinking does, too. Try adding in sticky notes, write on colorful cardstock and adhere it to the page, use printed quotes and frames, add printed pictures, clip text to enhance the page and more.
9. Add mementos:
My favorite notebook (at least right now!) is my 5-year journal where I note one thing from each day I want to hold onto. I love looking back on the little things I know I would have forgotten if I didn’t write them down. The only thing better than that is sifting through the mementos of those moments, too. Glue an envelope into your notebook and use it to catch these little mementos to savor later on. I promise it will bring you joy.
10. Add a Table of Contents:
What?! A Table of Contents can bring me joy? It sure can. Have you ever tried to find a specific page in your notebook only to keep flipping through the pages unsuccessfully? I have. I enjoy returning to my old entries, but I don’t enjoy finding them. So, I created a simple TOC on the first page of my notebook. Simply leave a couple of pages open before starting your first entry and when you add a new page, note the page number on the bottom of the page and then on your TOC, too. It’s as simple as that.
Here’s the bottom line: Only YOU can decide what brings you writing joy. Consider these ten ideas as ten different joyful notebook experiences to help you decide how to get what you want and need out of your notebook…while enjoying every single second, too.
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