It was a big week! My oldest and I went to his college preview day, my youngest (by 12 minutes!) got his braces off and my daughter started playing a new sport: tennis! Plus, we went to a Mets game, too! This week, I’ve got two books to share, a question about writing, the brilliant idea of joining and some links to love, too.
What I'm Reading:
I read two books this week that complemented each other perfectly. One was a personal development/memoir text that helped me pause to ask some big life questions and the other was an adult fiction book that did the same. I love when books pair together so perfectly that you can’t help but think they were especially chosen for right when you needed them.
I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet by Shauna Niequist
I’ve been a fan of all things Shauna ever since I read Present Over Perfect. That book helped me make big changes in my life that had a lasting impact….but didn’t do the trick completely. That’s why I was so glad to see her new book because I knew I still had much to learn. And this book gave me what I needed. It wasn’t a how-to book and didn’t give me step-by-step directions for how to change my life, but it gave me the permission to listen to my body, listen to my heart and do whatever I needed to do to feel well. By living through her story, I learned how to come into my own. This is a beautiful book of self-acceptance and love.
All the Lonely People by Mike Gayle
This has been on my TBR list for a while and I finally moved it to the top. I wish I had much sooner. I immediately became infatuated with Hubert and Rose, learning about their love and life as the story moved from past to present. From family struggles and racism to drug addiction and loneliness, this book was not afraid to touch upon the not-so-pretty realities of life and look them in the eye. I was touched and moved throughout every page and cried mightily at the end for it gave me a lesson I needed to learn. How much time do we all have? And what are we going to do with what we’ve been gifted? There’s a connection for all of us in this book.
What I'm Writing:
This week, I’m doing less writing and more creating. I’ve been creating a workshop for educators to help launch their classroom reading communities. It’s called 21-Days to a Joyful Classroom Reading Community and I’ve loved every second of creating it.
It made me think about the definition of writing, too.
I may not be writing in my notebook a lot this week, but I AM creating with the intent to share with others and isn’t that what writing is? Creating something on a page, print or digital, that captures your thoughts, feelings and ideas to share with the world?
That really does open up the idea of what being a writer actually is.
Tell me….how do you define writing and what does it mean to you?
What I'm Learning:
This week, I accompanied my son to his college preview day. The President gave a wonderful speech with a simple message: be a joiner. Be someone who joins in activities, in fun, in new experiences and in life.
While I know the speech was intended for new college students, I felt like he was speaking directly to me. Be a joiner, Stephanie. Try new things. Find new experiences. Get outside. Travel again. Do something just for the fun of doing it.
I’ve been thinking about that speech ever since and am deciding what to do about it, what I’ll join in first. I think it may be this chocolate-making experience at Barkeaters in upstate New York.
How will you be a joiner as you enjoy the last weeks of Summer?
What I'm Loving:
These might be the tastiest gluten-free cookies I’ve ever tasted. Scoop the batter into mounds and make them extra big and chewy. =)
The Happy Planner is having their warehouse sale! So many planners, stickers and accessories at such a deep discount.
I think we could all use a stuffed animal sleepover in our favorite library. Don’t you?!
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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