I’m here with a bonus episode to give you a sneak peek inside my Get Lit(erate) Patreon community where we talk all things bookish and notebookish. This was the most recently released episode and I thought it might give you a taste of what to expect inside the community. 
Our theme of the month is flaneuring: to intentionally stroll through our lives with a sense of observation and wonder. In this episode, I ask how could we apply that same thinking to our reading lives, too?
With a reading response notebook, that’s how. =)
Come listen as I talk through what a reading response is and could be and offer 15 different possibilities for what you might fill it with.
After you listen, tell me your ideas, too! I’d love to compile them together in a PDF resource to make flanuering through our reading lives second nature.
And if you like what you hear, join me inside the Get Lit(erate) Patreon Community. It’s only $5 per month for a whole lot of literate inspiration!