Time felt different this week. Whenever I’d look at a clock, I’d be shocked at how little time had passed. When I’d wake up in the middle of the night, I’d be shocked that only 15 minutes had passed since the last time I checked.
Why is that?!
Regardless, the time passing quite slowly had a great impact: I felt like I got more done in less time, something I rarely feel.
This week, I’ve got one book to share (you’ll have to wait for the others on the podcast!), a special kind of revenge writing and some of the best bookish gifts I’ve seen this season.
What I'm Reading:
I actually read A LOT this week, but I can only share one of my books with you since the others will all be featured on the Get Lit(erate) podcast soon. This week, I read a middle grade novel full of family struggle, impossible things and most of all…hope.
The Impossible Destiny of Cutie Grackle by Shawn K. Stout
Do you believe in impossible things? Cutie Grackle does. And now, I do, too. Cutie has had a difficult childhood. Her parents disappeared when she was young, her Uncle struggles with his own care and therefore cannot take care of her, she’s always hungry and the one person who goes out of her way to connect with her is leaving. Alone, Cutie starts to unravel her family’s so-called-curse with the help of peculiar ravens that offer her random trinkets that spark memories. These memories, and Cutie’s unbreakable spirit, send her on a journey to her impossible destiny. Or is it? This magical book gives all of us, young and old, the hope we need.
What I'm Writing:
I’m not sure if I should admit the kind of writing I’ve been doing this week. Here’s why:
I’ve been writing emails that I never intend to send. =)
It’s been a week. A long week. A did-that-really-happen kind of week. And since I cannot control those events, those conversations and those things I’ve been handed, I control what I can.
My notebook.
So honestly, I wrote emails and conversational scripts to people saying the things I wish I could have said (or maybe SHOULD have said) in real life.
And you know what? It’s VERY therapeutic!
And you know what else? It’s a good thing it’s in a notebook so I don’t accidentally hit send.
Am I alone in this revenge kind of writing?! Please tell me I’m not!
What I'm Learning:
This week, I participated in Cathy Heller’s podcasting bootcamp. Cathy hosts a top-rated podcast called Don’t Keep Your Day Job and she talks about the power of finding what you love and building your life around it.
There are so many gems from the week that I could share and many of those lessons go well beyond podcasting. Here are three:
- Think about what you love and then find ways to spend time doing that. You don’t have to be a famous singer to work in the music industry. You can write songs, review events and create playlists, too. There is an option for all of us.
- Your job does not need to be one thing. You can do multiple things that add up to the time/money you need rather than sticking to one thing forever.
- You have everything you need to grow in a direction you love. Really. There is enough time, enough money and enough ideas for all of us. But you have to believe that first for them to find you. (I couldn’t help but think about Elizabeth Gilbert’s thoughts on the energy of ideas here!)
- I know this was a podcasting bootcamp, but I truly felt like it was a life bootcamp. That’s how powerful it was and how much it shifted my mindset about what’s possible out there for all of us.
I could go on and on about this but instead, I think you should head to her podcast and listen for yourself. Then, binge episodes accordingly!
What I'm Loving:
Do you use bookplates in your books? I don’t, but these might convince me to start.
Oh. My. Goodness. These artistic notepads are the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. You HAVE to look!
There’s a water bottle for book lovers? There sure is! This might be the only thing that will get me to drink more water.
Who wouldn’t love a Sunshine Town in their bookshelves?! I would! And thankfully for me, I have a father who knows how to put things like this together! =)
Are you already thinking of the holidays? Me too! Take a peek at this Movie Marathon Advent Calendar. I love it!
There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?
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