I recently had a wonderful dilemma: my mother took me on a book shopping date to choose my own books as my Christmas presents this year. Think good coffee, a beautiful bookstore and books. Lots of books. =)

So, how did I choose which books to make my own?

I crowdsourced the opinions from the dedicated readers of the Friends & Fiction Facebook group. After just 24 hours, I had hundreds of reactions and clear winners for my holiday book buying adventure.

Today, I’m sharing the top three books (and a bonus book!) recommended from this group with my own thoughts on the order I’ll read them in.

Come listen to the books they chose for me and which I’m picking up first!

Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon, Bookshop  and Libro.fm affiliate stores. Thanks for your bookish support!

A Wish for Winter by Viola Shipman (Amazon / Bookshop / Libro.fm)

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (Amazon / Bookshop / Libro.fm)

Beartown by Fredrik Backman (Amazon / Bookshop / Libro.fm)

Now, it’s your turn. What books do you recommend to someone going on an unexpected book buying adventure?

Share your titles and ideas in the comments below!