Today is a big day on the Get Lit(erate). podcast.
I’m interviewing someone that brings me a great deal of journaling inspiration with her colorful, curious and whimsical printable journals and journal pages: Christie Zimmer!
I feel like Christie is my journaling twin, as we have very similar philosophies about journaling and notebooking and we often head to our notebook for many of the same reasons.
But there’s one key difference: I tend to stay in the left side of my brain when I journal, sticking to my tried and true notebooking habits inside predictable, lined notebooks. Christie invites me to explore the right side of my brain as I notebook, welcoming new colors, shapes, reflective prompts and overall notebooking experiences.
In today’s episode, we talk about all things journaling, from the why and how we journal to the when and what we do when we arrive on the page.
You don’t want to miss this. Come listen!
Thanks Stephanie & Christie, this was great! I’ve been on Christie’s email list for a couple of years now and it’s so great to hear more fun ideas from both of you. 🙂
It’s so nice to connect, Elizabeth! Christie’s people are my kind of people. Welcome!
I love how Christie encourages us to journal in a way that is unique to us. She makes journaling fun and interesting, and I can’t wait to try out some of the ideas she shared in today’s episode!
Yes! It’s so freeing to realize journaling can be whatever we want, however we want and whyever we want, too! Hmmm….is whyever a word?! Happy journaling!