One of the best things about having a podcast is the chance to talk books with people that you might never meet in real life. 

Today, I’m talking with Kara Infante of the Bookish Flights podcast. What started as a chance to talk about hyperlocal books from the Midwest to broaden my own reading life turned into another chance to talk about the power of books. 

Together, we explore how we can use books as tools to take us places AND to prepare us for life moves to those places, too. We’ll uncover the themes present in Kara’s book flight, think about how they relate to our own life values and add even more books to our TBR stacks. 

Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon and Bookshop affiliate stores below. Thanks for your bookish support!

Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J. Ryan Stradal (Amazon / Bookshop)

Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good: A Memoir of Food and Love from an American Midwest Family by Kathleen Flinn (Amazon / Bookshop)

The Lager Queen of Minnesota by J. Ryan Stradal (Amazon / Bookshop)

Now, it’s your turn!

What books do you love that are set in the midwestern part of the United States?

Share all of your suggestions in the comments below so I can add them to my stack, too!