There’s one genre that I have not read in my adult reading life for a VERY long time…and I know because I keep meticulous track of the books I read: fairy tales.
That all changes starting now!
Today, I’m talking with Donna Fields. She has spent years studying fairy tales and is ready to flip everything we thought we knew about fairy tales upside down…and give us some life coaching in the process, too.
You’ll remember the fairy tales of your childhood, be blown away by one simple, yet powerful, change in thinking and leave with a desire to dive into the next fairytale you read…and your life…with new eyes.
I promise!
Here are the books mentioned in this episode:
From Beast to the Blond by Marina Warner
Off with Their Head: Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood by Maria Talar
Don’t Bet on the Prince by Jack Zipes
Cupid and Psyche by Jan-Ojvind Swahn
Here’s the link to the article Donna mentions in the episode. Read it and let us know what you think!
After you’ve listened, I’d love to know YOUR recommendations for fairy tales I could add to my TBR stack. Share them in the comments below!
It took me a week (last week was crazy), but I’m so glad I listened! The witch as a hero. Wow!
I know, right?! It completely turned things upside down for me!