Here in the United States, we’ve just observed Labor Day. That means back to school, cooler weather and my favorite pumpkin flavors.
Today, I’m sharing three books with back-to-school vibes: two fiction novels set squarely in academia and one memoir with strong threads of school excellence throughout.
Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon and Bookshop affiliate stores below. Thanks for your bookish support!
I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai (Amazon / Bookshop)
The It Girl by Ruth Ware (Amazon / Bookshop)
Where the Children Take Us by Zain E. Ashe (Amazon / Bookshop)
Now, it’s your turn!
What are your favorite books with back-to-school vibes?
Share all of your suggestions in the comments below so I can add them to my stack, too!
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