I started my Get Lit(erate). Podcast to share my love of books with others and offer sets of books to help readers manage life’s challenges and have some fun along the way.
But I also started talking about my love of writing and notebooking…and it turns out those are some of the most popular episodes!
Today, I’m talking with Emily Winslow. She’s the author of Time to Write, a book full of inspiring lessons and practical skills to write the novel you’ve always wanted.
She’s certainly sparked my own writing dream and made it feel reachable, too. Come listen as we talk about her book, the writing process and everything in between.
Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon and Bookshop affiliate stores below. Thanks for your bookish support!

Time to Write by Emily Winslow (Amazon / Bookshop)
Now, it’s your turn!
Do you have a dream to write a novel? Comment below and let’s band together for some inspiration and accountability! I’ve joined NaNoWriMo to help me get started and am bringing my Get Lit(erate). Patreon group along for the journey. Click here to join us in the fun!
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