I love books. I love reading. I love notebooks. I love writing.
But life is busy and sometimes, it can be hard to make the time for the kind of reading and writing lives we want to have.
Today’s guest is changing all of that.
Dr. Nicole Janz is a writer’s coach on a mission to help book lovers and writers establish a creative practice that gives them joy.
And it all begins with The Write Habit: A Planner for Writers.
Let me be clear: This planner is not just for writers who want to share their writing publicly with the world. It’s for ALL of us who simply want to bring more writing into our lives….and in the process, make our actual lives better, too.
Come listen as we explore how to create a writing life you’ll love and how a planner can help you do it.
Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon and Bookshop affiliate stores below. Thanks for your bookish support!

The Write Habit: A Planner for Writers (Amazon)
Now, it’s your turn!
What are your personal writing goals for 2024 and how might a planner like this help you reach them?
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