If you’re listening to this podcast, then you love stories. You love reading them, living them and telling them. And guess what?
We all have one.
Today’s guest is here to explore how we can uncover, share and appreciate our wonderfully unique stories. In fact, his new book (which includes space to write!) is called 10 Little Rules for Sharing Your Story.
Come listen as Frank Winters and I talk about the power of stories, the ways we might tell our own and the rules that will help you do just that. Be sure to listen to the end. Together, we offer a little AND big challenge that you might want to go for.
Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon and Bookshop affiliate stores below. Thanks for your bookish support!

10 Little Rules for Sharing Your Story by Frank Winters (Amazon / Bookshop)
Plus, if you’d like to learn about the other amazing books in the series, head here.
Now, it’s your turn!
How do YOU like to uncover and share your stories? Let’s share how we might tell our stories to impact others!
Frank & Stephanie,
Thank you for the last 50 minutes… this episode was so rich and inspirational. Stephanie, your insightful questions led to a deep and soulful discussion and I learned even more about Frank’s book and how it can relate in so many ways … no matter what our own story looks like, and who we share it with.
Frank, your answers and wide ranging discussion added such depth to the contents of your book … incredible to hear this in your own voice (and yes, looking forward to working with you to create that audiobook version, a first for 10 Little Rules!
Yes, our stories matter … and we do have the power to change not just ourselves, but the world! Challenge on!
Yahoo! Challenge accepted. =) I love everything you, your brother and your company stands for, Carol!
Such an inspiring interview! Once again an episode of your podcast leaves me, neurons firing, better than before!
That is the best compliment ever….neurons firing! Thank you for your kind words!