On this episode of the KidLit Love podcast, I’m talking with Brian Anderson about his new graphic novels series for middle grade readers: Sophie (from Marble Press).
What started as a nationally syndicated comic strip called Dog Eat Doug has continued into a delightfully funny and imaginative middle grade graphic novel series sure to delight readers.
Come listen as we discuss how Brian was called to comics, the evolution of his comic career to children’s book author and his advice to budding writers and creatives, no matter how old you are.
Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon and Bookshop affiliate stores below. Thanks for your bookish support!

Sophie: Jurassic Bark by Brian Anderson (Amazon / Bookshop)
Sophie: Frankenstein’s Hound by Brian Anderson (Amazon / Bookshop)
Here’s where you can find Brian online:
Brian’s website: https://brianandersonwriter.com/
Brian’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dogeatdougcomics/
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