On this episode of the KidLit Love podcast, I’m talking with Nashae Jones about her newest middle grade novel: As You Wish.

In this middle grade novel, a girl learns the hard way to be careful what she wishes for and features a chaos-loving West African Trickster God. It has all the things we look for in a middle grade novel with a bit of magic, too.  

Come listen as we talk about Shanae’s love of children’s literature, what finally helped her find her writing joy and how middle grade novels can help readers find themselves AND a bit of empathy, too. 

Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon and Bookshop affiliate stores below. Thanks for your bookish support!

Courtesy of Cupid by Nashae Jones (Amazon / Bookshop)

As You Wish by Nashae Jones (Amazon / Bookshop)

Here’s where you can find Nashae online:

Nashae’s Website: https://www.nashaejones.com/ 

Nashae’s instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nashae.jones/ 

I’d love to know what you think of this episode. Share your comments below!