
My one word for January was FRESH STARTS: a chance to start the new year off right with a new outlook, a new mindset and a general sense of hopefulness. I read many books on the power of fresh starts, spent time imagining...
I absolutely love this time of the year. I love opening my back door and hearing the snowblowers at our local ski center. I love taking the dogs for a walk and hearing the snow crunch under my feet. And I love absolutely everything about the holiday season: the baking, the...
How did it become November already? The days and months really are flying by and while October seemed to whoosh by in a flash, I’m happy to report that I stuck to my October goal of writing more. Writing more for myself, that is. I might not have accomplished a full...
You might have noticed that September came and went without a peep from me and my #oneword journey. I tested positive for COVID at the end of August and much of September passed in a haze of fatigue, fogginess and headaches. I had no desire to get out of bed, let...
How did it become August already? I don’t know about you, but I think 2021 has flown by rather quickly….almost too quickly. I’m very much aware that my oldest son will head into his senior year of high-school in the Fall and my twins will start as Freshman. The days feel...
The beauty of my one word journey is that my current self is in complete control of it. Not the version of myself back in January when I might have pondered a word that could last me twelve months, but the version of myself right here, right now, that controls how...
I’ve been choosing one word to guide my monthly intention for five months now. And for all five of those months, I’ve intentionally chosen a word that I thought would bring a new level of contentment to my life. But this month is different. This month, my word chose me instead....
You know, this one-word-a-month thing actually works. =) Over the past months, I’ve learned how to breathe, strengthened my connections with others, deepened my gratitude practice and even brought a bit more margin into my life (but I still have work to do on that one!). And as I wonder what...
If there’s one thing I’ve learned for sure from my monthly vision journey in 2021, it’s this: No matter which word I chose, there’s something incredibly powerful about giving that word daily intention in my everyday life. My word for March was gratitude and since I’ve found that daily challenges work...
Each month, I choose one word to guide my daily actions and I strive to complete one little thing each day that brings me closer to living my word into existence. This month, my word is gratitude and the Slice of Life Writing Challenge is helping me better appreciate the small...