Books & Reading

Pie is the most-loved Thanksgiving holiday dessert and that means that many of us are either buying or making a pie this Thanksgiving week. So today, I’m sharing three books (make that four!) that have pie as a central theme: one classic must-read,...
I am thrilled to be part of the WOW! Women of Writing Blog Tour for Secrets Laid to Rest by Catherine C. Hall. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review that I’ll share in just a few days. Today, I’ve invited Catherine on the...
I am thrilled to welcome you to the inaugural episode of Kidlit Love! Today, I am talking with Padma Venkatraman, author of multiple young adult and middle grade novels and novels in verse. We’re talking specifically about her books The Bridge Home and Born Behind Bars, two incredibly powerful novels that...
October is World Mental Health month and I’m talking with Sagit Schwartz on the power books have to shine a light on mental health. She’s here to talk about her debut novel: Since She’s Been Gone. Sagit Schwartz is a writer, producer, and licensed psychotherapist. Her work has been featured in...
It’s officially Fall and that means I am enjoying my favorite season of the year. Time for warm socks, crunchy leaves and cozy reading. Did you know that the term cozy is actually a special subgenre? Think cozy mysteries, cozy romances and even cozy fantasy novels. And where there are cozy...
Today, I am sharing three books that blur the boundaries of bibliotherapy in different ways. In fact, I think this blur might be one of my new favorite genres. One book is a bestseller, one is brand new and one is yet-to-be-published, but should be in your pre-order cart. Come listen...
Books and notebooks have always been a large part of my life, but their role has shifted and changed over time. Today, I talk about where I’ve been, where I am now and how I’ve been using reading and writing to make life better. Come listen as I explore restorative reading...
Recently, I read a historical fiction novel that sparked my interest in a historical event in a way that no other book has done: The Shore of Forever by Elora Maxwell. This book was completely captivating. It was focused on a fascinating period of history and told the story of three...
Here in the United States, we’ve just observed Labor Day. That means back to school, cooler weather and my favorite pumpkin flavors. Today, I’m sharing three books with back-to-school vibes: two fiction novels set squarely in academia and one memoir with strong threads of school excellence throughout. Here are the books...
There are many iconic books that we tuck into our reading hearts and one of those books for me is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Originally published in 1911, this book still captivates the minds and hearts of many readers and I’d argue the lessons inside are even more...