Literate Love

It was HOT in New York this week! I hosted a virtual summer retreat for instructional coaches, spent some time by the pool with an amazing book and started tracking my writing, too. I I’ve got two books to share, a habit tracker...
This week was a mixture of sunny days and thunderstorms, appointments and rest. I made homemade gluten free basil pizza, devoured a jar of my homemade strawberry jam, read three books, started a new bibliotherapy project, tackled my envy in my notebook and took walks with my labradoodle, too. What a...
Cool mornings, warmer days and longer nights. I think it’s finally starting to feel like summer. This week, I was in a nonfiction state of mind and read two excellent books that helped me think about what I want most and what’s next for me. I started a new podcast, dove...
I know it should feel like summer, but it doesn’t…yet. Maybe the weather needs to be warmer, maybe my workload needs to be lighter or maybe it’s something else altogether. Either way, I’m at least getting into a summer reading stride already. I have three books to share, a new notebook...
It was a cool, breezy week here in upstate New York. If you can believe it, I even started a fire in the fireplace one evening to take the chill out of the air. And even though it was June, I didn’t mind. My favorite place to read is curled up...
It was a bittersweet week. My oldest finished his last days of high-school (ever!) and my younger two finished their final classes of their freshman year. I know they say time passes quickly, but today, I’m just so shocked at how fast it really has passed by. And all I can...
The week started off with a productive bang and ended with a reality crash. And when the going gets tough, I get reading and writing. It’s how I cope. So this week, I read three comforting books that my heart needed (including one with a Christmas theme!). I spent some time...
I have never seen this much pollen swirling around my neighborhood. Well, at least since last time this year. That meant hunkering down with my allergy medication, some hot tea and a few good books. I went both light and deep into my notebook and have SO MANY amazing links from...
Every Friday, I arrive in your Inbox with a bit of literate love to share what I’ve been reading, writing, learning and loving all week in hopes it sparks attention to your own reading and writing life, too. This week, I’ve got two books to share, some life advice I took...
This week was what I call a lull week: the week after my semester ends but before the semester begins. That means I had a bit more flexibility and I spent it well. I created a brand new summer reading guide with 100 children’s literature books I think every teacher (and...